Interbay, Kent Reliance for Intermediaries and Precise Mortgages latest to pull products

OSB Group (OSB) brands Interbay, Kent Reliance for Intermediaries and Precise Mortgages are the latest lenders to pull products for repricing.

Interbay has withdrawn its 65% loan-to-value (LTV) commercial and semi-commercial products; 75% LTV buy-to-let products and all holiday let products.

Meanwhile, Kent Reliance for Intermediaries has pulled its 75% and 85% LTV buy-to-let products.

On the residential front, 75% and 85% core range products, 75% and 85% extra flexibility products and all income flexibility products are withdrawn, as are all shared ownership products.

Precise has pulled its 75% buy-to-let products and 75% refurbishment buy-to-let exit products.

On the residential front, 75% and 85% core products have also been withdrawn, along with 75% and 85% DMP products.

Help to Buy purchase and remortgage products and all Right to Buy products are also removed.

In the majority of cases brokers have until 4pm today, 27th September 2022, to submit cases.

So far a number of big name lenders including Halifax, Bank of Ireland, Virgin Money, Skipton Building Society and Vida have all been forced to make product withdrawals in light of ongoing economic uncertainty.