Three new non-executive directors appointed to the Court of the Bank of England

Lord Jitesh Gadhia, Sabine Chalmers and Tom Shropshire will take up their roles at the Bank’s Court in the coming months.

Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second approved the appointment of three new non-executive directors (NEDs) of the Court of the Bank of England. These appointments will be made by the King.

The new NEDs will take up their roles at the Bank’s Court in the coming months for terms lasting four years.

The Bank’s Court acts as the governing body responsible for setting the organisation’s strategy, budget and taking key decisions on resourcing and appointments.

The Court is not responsible for the matters reserved to the Bank’s main policy committees, the Monetary Policy Committee, the Financial Policy Committee and Prudential Regulation Committee.

Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, said: “I am delighted to be able to announce the appointment of Lord Jitesh Gadhia, Sabine Chalmers and Tom Shropshire.

“Each of them will bring immense skill and experience to the Bank’s Court.

“I look forward to continuing to work closely with the Bank’s leadership, and remain fully committed to its independence.”

Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, added: “I am very pleased to welcome Lord Jitesh Gadhia, Sabine Chalmers and Tom Shropshire as non-executive directors of Court.

“Their varied experiences make them invaluable additions to Court and the running of the Bank. I look forward to working with them all.”

David Roberts, incoming Chair of Court, concluded: “I am delighted to welcome Jitesh, Tom and Sabine to the Bank’s Court of Directors.

“They will bring fresh insights, deep wisdom and wide experience to help Court fulfil its role of promoting the good of the people of the United Kingdom.”