
SimplyBiz extends its Consumer Duty webinar programme

SimplyBiz has extended its series of Consumer Duty webinars, which has received over 3,000 bookings since its launch in March. 

The first three events in the recent series, ‘Consumer engagement and sales processes’, ‘Evidencing good customer outcomes and client vulnerability’, and ‘A deep dive into vulnerable client and the Consumer Duty’, took place throughout March and April, with a fourth, ‘Post sales and feedback and reviews’ taking place on the 22nd of May. 

The series is accompanied by related guides, outlining what the rules means for advisers, and a ‘Hints and Tips’ document, detailing best practice examples encountered by SimplyBiz in its day-today work with advisers across the UK. 

The event programme and guides join a wide range of existing support in SimplyBiz’s online ‘’Consumer Duty Hub’, including policy documents, gap analysis, videos, presentations, a dedicated ‘Advice Show’ broadcast, access to hand-selected third-party specialist and technology solutions, and personalised business consultancy support. 

Paul Bruns, compliance director of SimplyBiz, said: “Two years ago, we began to build a comprehensive range of Consumer Duty support for our Member Firms, taking into account not only the areas upon which we knew the regulator would be most keenly focussed, but also – vitally – the areas in which we felt advisers would need the most help. 

“The Finalised Guidance for the implementation of the Consumer Duty is a broad and detailed piece of regulation, and we’re glad that our approach of breaking it down into manageable chunks, with information delivered through a number of different channels plus the introduction of relevant technology is meeting the needs of advisers.”

He added: “Work on our post-implementation support programme is already well underway, and we’ll be working closely with our member firms to ensure that we continue to deliver the most relevant information for their business, in a way which suits them, on an ongoing basis.”