Buckinghamshire Building Society launches new mortgage products and cuts existing rates

Buckinghamshire Building Society has launched two mortgage products along with a reprice of its existing product range.

The new products include a 3-year fixed rate impaired credit mortgage, aimed at clients looking to get their finances back on track following credit issues.

The society also launched a retirement interest-only (RIO) 5-year discount product, with a desktop valuation option and reduced product fee.

Claire Askham (pictured), head of mortgage sales at Buckinghamshire Building Society, said: “Over the last couple of months we’ve completed a thorough review of our product range with the aim of making it more accessible for more applicants.

“Whether that’s by making adjustments to criteria, reducing product fees or launching innovative new features.

“Our latest product launch and rate refresh continues in this theme, and we’ll be taking it a step further tomorrow when we open up desktop valuation options on our buy-to-let products.”

She added: “Continuous analysis of the market and the desire to offer more competitive and less restrictive products has driven these changes across our entire range.

“I believe that with these changes and the combination of our manual underwriting process and highly experienced key account managers and support teams, we’re in the position to help more applicants with complex issues than ever before.”