SimplyBiz releases next round of Consumer Duty support for advisers

SimplyBiz has launched its next wave of support to help advisers meet the requirements of the Consumer Duty, which includes a comprehensive guide to the Duty’s final rules, a gap analysis tool, implementation plan framework, dedicated compliance visits, and a programme of interactive workshops.

The latest programme of support follows an intensive schedule of activity across the start of the year, including a 90-minute-deep dive event in August which attracted nearly 1,300 bookings.

Janice Laing, managing director of Compliance First, and lead of SimplyBiz’s Consumer Duty support project, said: “This programme was created by expertise and input from across the entire business, ensuring that we are providing support to all firms, relevant to the area in which they are operating.

“Every firm will have certain elements in common – the need to analyse where they are now, what they need to do to meet the Consumer Duty requirements, and have an understanding of individual responsibilities – but there will also, of course, be entirely individual needs and considerations.

“Our programme of support is flexible, comprehensive, and practical, and we hope it will help every firm we serve to feel confident about their preparations for the upcoming Consumer Duty milestones.”